Warming Yoga

When people find out I teach yoga, I often hear two responses: a) "I can't do yoga because I'm not flexible," and b) "Do you teach 'hot yoga?'" I never mind answering either question (I love talking about yoga as you may be able to tell). My first response is that not being flexible is a wonderful reason TO DO yoga! As to heated yoga, sometimes called Hot Yoga or trademarked as Bikram, I explain that the yoga I teach is about generating internal heat, gradually warming up the body, which is what allows us to find more depth as the practice progresses. For me, this gradual approach, as opposed to the shock of walking into a studio heated to over 100 degrees on a chilly November day in Chicago, helps us to be honest about how limber we might be feeling and to avoid overstretching. It also means that yoga can be practiced anywhere and anytime. With the onset of chilly weather (not to mention the time change) I'm looking forward to generating some internal warmth and light through our practices this week.


Yes, and…

