The Yoga Diet

Yoga and Weight Loss

I’m sometimes asked if yoga can help with losing weight. The answer, I think, is a qualified “yes.” As this recent article points out ( ) sustainable weight loss depends more on increasing our awareness of our bodies, minds, and a deeper understanding of our relationship with food than it does on dieting or vigorous exercise routines. Increased awareness is, of course, one of the great benefits of a regular yoga practice. For me, that heightened awareness has helped me (a self-admitted foodie!) not only to be more aware of the food I’m eating, but also to slow down when I eat, to allow myself more time to savor the texture and flavor of food and to appreciate what I’m eating and the experience of nourishing my body. The more I slow down, the more I enjoy the food, the more I am aware of how satisfying each bite can be, the less likely I am to overeat. So, buon appetito and Namaste.


Tree Hugging


The Freedom of No Expectations