Yes, and…

Yes and…

Many years ago I was out walking somewhere and I found a small piece of paper with the word “yes” written on it. I picked it up and put it in my wallet. I still have it. While I don’t normally collect pieces of trash off the street, at the time I was prompted by a creative exercise I had read about which suggested putting up small Post-It Notes with the words “yes” written on them throughout your house as a way of fostering a sense of well being and creativity. During yoga this week I wondered about finding those “yes” notes internally—every place that I feel breath/life force/prana. And extending that a bit: Professional Improv actors know that a way of keeping the energy of a scene flowing is to follow any new idea with the phrase “yes, and… .” So, I wondered, what might be on the flip side of those internal “yeses.” What is a way of keeping that affirmation energy flowing? I think it just might be gratitude. Affirmation followed by thankfulness. Such an appropriate way to enter into Thanksgiving Week. In deep gratitude for all of you and for the yoga practice that we share: “Yes. And thank you.”


Turning up the Light


Warming Yoga