Yoga Re-Opening

I always find these first days of cooler fall weather so bracing and energizing--they seem like harbingers of things beginning. This fall in particular marks the re-opening of so much of what we've been missing during the pandemic.  Thanks to increased vaccination rates and improved safety protocols, the theater season is off and running; I went to the CSO last night (Beethoven 3--talk about bracing!); and my particular favorite--the opera. We're now also able to reconnect with friends and family with more regularity and ease. Regardless of the time of year or season or the conditions we find ourselves in, our yoga practice always offers a chance for reconnecting, newness, and re-opening within. And it's through that that we can be more fully present, grounded, and open to the world around us. I'm looking forward to continuing on stretching and twisting and opening up to this new season with our practices this week. 


The Yoga Habit


Yoga and Recovery