Light-On Yoga

I’m sure you’ve experienced it: that feeling of openness that is both energized and relaxed which comes from practicing yoga.  It’s a state I often refer to as “vibrant stillness.”  I was reminded after yesterday’s gentle/restorative practice how much that feeling also radiates out. You often see it in the bright open faces of fellow yogis (even over Zoom!) It’s hard to describe but it does seem to be a manifestation of the inner light that we’ve accessed and cultivated through our practice. And I’m grateful for it. I know I’ve shared the following quote with you in the past. Inspired by yesterday’s practice and given the slightly gloomy spring weather and the more than slightly gloomy things going on in the world, it seemed a good time to share it with you again.


"The purpose of yoga is to facilitate the profound inner relaxation that accompanies fearlessness.  The release from fear is what finally precipitates the full flowering of love.  In this state you will love what you see in others, and others will love you for having been seen.  This is the softened perception of the world that yoga promotes." Erich Schiffmann




Any Mat in a Storm